Shimmy Sway Get Away!

By: Alexandra Hoffmann 

There are two types of these fearfully flare-full fragrant people. There are those who might have questionable hygiene or perhaps don’t realize they smell like a living dumpster. Then there are those who choose to mask the odor by drowning themselves in perfume, deodorant, or air fresheners or want you to know they put effort into dancing with you/ flashing how expensive (or cheap) said items are by bathing in them. Either way neither understands that because of their actions not only is their partner (if they’re lucky enough to get a dance partner that regretfully can’t say no) suffering (wishing to hide), but everyone else is as well. This is due to the obvious fact that scents regardless of being good or bad linger and spread because of movement.

            Now let’s delve even deeper into the two types, starting with the first type mentioned. People who have a stench to them either don’t participate in common hygiene, don’t apply hygiene products enough, or can have a job or condition that forces them to be stuck with an odor.

We’ll start with the first type. The unhygienic soul is either to lazy to care or is being dragged to an dance event against their will because normal people, even if partaking in a late class or event, will still put effort into basic polite hygiene. These people you can, not only smell coming but also can be spotted genuinely by visual clues. Typically look for red flags like if people are standing more than ten feet from them or people who crinkle their nose (or gag) as they walk past. Take note that these people know they smell or have gone nose blind, so if you’re unlucky enough to get asked to dance by one of them, politely decline their invitation to dance. If they ask why, respond with an excuse or excuse yourself from them. They can’t force you to dance and for the most part will take the hint. They’re probably used to it. (It’s not recommended you tell them they reek, even if you are so justified, as they could get defensive and irate about the comment. Even if you sugar coated it more than a powdered donut. Let the staff, instructor, or someone in charge of the event handle it. Although feel free to bring it to their attention, if they haven’t already figured it out by how people avoid that person like the plague.)

            The other two types of people who are simply unaware that they have an aroma tend to be easier to deal with. That and they are more common. They typically fallow good social norms like good hygiene, but on this particular instance are having a bad day. This may simply be because they tried a new kind of deodorant that is not working for them or didn’t apply enough. Another reason could be maybe they didn’t have time to reapply it or their job (Garbage disposal person, farmer, nursing home nurse that had a traumatizing day. Hey, you don’t know.) caused them to get a faint odor that’s clinging to them. Key word being faint. These people won’t necessarily reek, but the scent will be strong enough to typically bother anyone within five feet of them. These people are easier to handle because of that and can be more inclined to be approached or handle the problem themselves. Once again just be polite in doing so. Although, these people usually become aware of others acting skittish towards them before you have to tell them and can put two and two together. Hopefully they have something with them, if not they’re genuinely understanding if you attempt to give a little extra distance from them or do open position dances. If anything, they get a little embarrassed and are apologetic. So be kind.

            Now onto the latter type. The people that are hygienic but think one sprits of their industrial grade perfume, deodorant, or Febreze enthusiasts is not enough. (Pro tip :it is.) These people can be just as bad as the aforementioned unhygienic people given the fact that the odor, though crisper than the unhygienic people, can be just as if not stronger in fragrance. These people seem unaware they’ve brought a cloud of apple cinnamon, mint, or French whatever into the dance hall, floor, or class and that in doing so has given the space a free fumigation for all life. These people smell so intensely that typically in standing close to them or dancing with a partner they quickly learn they have over done it because said people are giving them space, can’t help but flinch at the scorching onslaught their nasal passages are receiving, notching visible relief as they get a switch partners, seeing former dance partners sniff any area they touched to see if they got the scent on them (They did), or by how their partner may be suddenly fond of open position dances/moves (even if they don’t know them). The sad thing is there isn’t any real way for them to go about fixing this unless they packed a new set of clothes, which may or may not help, or leaving and taking a shower. (Or three). At best you can get an embarrassed apology and the next time they come in they’ll tone it down a bit. If you address the issue be polite about it. They didn’t mean to smell this strongly. (For the most part. Its rare people flaunt their odor covers.) They were probably just trying to make sure they didn’t reek at any point in their event and maybe attempting to impress their partner(s). (This kind of problem is common in beginners’ classes, especially when two people are meeting each other for the first time. They don’t grasp that just because you’re doing an activity that’ll have you close to someone, that suddenly your natural body over is going to seep through you with the potency of a skunk. Arial peacocking isn’t necessary.)

            In conclusion when dealing with someone who has an odor, whether faint or not, be polite. More likely than not they aren’t aware they have an odor and will be understanding if you decide to address it. There’s no reason to go stamping on their feelings. (They’re already embarrassed, but probably a pinch grateful that you informed them depending on the circumstance.) If you don’t wish to address the issue, but also have no interest to dance with them, try and excuse yourself from them. To not be these people consider these fallowing tips. Reapply hygiene products before going to dance. Shower before going to dance. Bring hygiene products/change of clothes if you tend to get sweaty during dance. Don’t coat yourself in your fragrance products before going to dance. If you live with someone ask them if you smell to strongly before going out if you think you’ve over done it. Don’t smoke before a dance or at least not in the same clothes as the scent can seep into them, ect. Fallowing a few of those easy steps will prevent you from accidently making a fool of yourself by becoming the feared fragrant fumigator.