A Student's Perspective - One Year In

Most student's who enter the world of ballroom dance don't enter it with the intention of competing. For most, it's the social aspect, the desire to try something new, a way to meet new people, or because their significant other drug them, kicking and screaming, to their first class. Most who stick with it also don't continue dancing with the intention of competing, but because they have found an activity that they enjoy, made some friends, or realize that their significant other was right when they said, "If you just give it a chance you may actually enjoy it."


Beginning Student Learns BallroomFor me, it started with the social aspect, but then moved on to also wanting to compete. Now, as I approach the end of my first year of competing, I can't help but to look back on this past year and reflect on the journey.

Throughout this past year I competed in my hometown of Columbus, but also had the opportunity to travel to Denver, Atlanta, Nashville, Cincinnati, and Minneapolis. I've danced as few as 12 dances or as many as 75 in a single competition. My instructor and I have danced on floors crowded with other couples, testing me on my ability to remember what I'do been taught and to listen to my instructor in order to maneuver the floor. We've also been the only couple on the floor, dancing our routines before a ballroom full of people with no one else to distract from any mistakes. But in nearly every competition this past year, someone would approach me with a compliment and words of encouragement. I am grateful for an opportunity to learn and growth both as a dancer and personally.

Over the past year I have seen significant improvement in my dancing. But I also see just how far I have to go in order to get my dancing where I want it to be. That makes this journey a bit of a roller coaster ride. Working to learn all there is to learn, while retaining everything else can be difficult, but the feeling I get when it "clicks" for me, is well worth the struggle.

The time on the dance floor in a competition is just part of what I've enjoyed this past year. I've met some great people along the way. I've pushed myself in ways I never have before. Dance in general has made me open my senses to everything in ways that I would have made fun of before. I've enjoyed this past year on the dance floor immensely. But more importantly, I'm enjoying the journey and all that comes with it.